Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said that the Title Deeds backlog had reduced during his speech at the 15th Land Development Conference in Nicosia on Tuesday 21st September 2021. This news will be welcomed by thousands who have been waiting many years, in some cases decades, to get the deeds to properties they purchased. In 2014, there...
On the 19.07.2021, the Ministry of Tourism announced the initiating of the process of submitting applications for registration of premises (villas, residences, apartments) in the Register of Self- Service Accommodation. Applications can be submitted by natural and legal persons, together with the documents as stated in the below paragraphs. This matter will affect owners who...
Have you issued / renewed your communal swimming pool license for this year? All owners should be aware that in order to operate a public swimming in the Republic of Cyprus, one needs to obtain a license for the operation of public swimming pool by the Municipal Council of the Municipality within which the pool...